Conversation Hours

The LRC hosts conversation hours in many languages, some in collaboration with the language departments. These are led by speakers of the target language and offer an opportunity to use a language you are learning, outside of class, in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. They are open to any learner, but are probably most useful to those at an intermediate level or above. Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn more than you might think, without instruction or correction. Come to Conversation Hour in your language and have fun! If you are learning a language we don't have a conversation hour in, find a group of learners and we'll help set it up. See us in G04 Stimson Hall during the day or send us an email at [email protected] to get started. Conversation Hours are open to the public. Campus visitors and members of the public must adhere to Cornell's public health requirements for events.

We also have a variety of board games available for checkout (for a complete list of games, check our LRC library holdings)!

Summer 2024 Schedule

Conversation Hours start on Monday, June 3 and run through Friday, August 16, unless noted otherwise. We are in the process of scheduling additional summer hours. Please check back for more details and follow us on social media (@CornellLRC).
All times are ET.

Language Date, Time, & Location Facilitator
English Thursdays, 2-3 pm
G25 Stimson Hall and on Zoom
Serene Wang
Mandarin Thursdays, 3-4 pm
G25 Stimson Hall
Serene Wang
Taiwanese Tuesdays, 5:15-6:15 pm
Biotechnology Building Atrium
Zong-Yan Liu
Yiddish Fridays, 12-1 pm (on Zoom)
starts 5/10
David Forman
*Organized by the German Studies Department.
°Organized by the Institute for African Development.
Current as of 6/10/2024
Subject to change